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12.12.2016By 유진영


좋아요 0     저장수 0

This course is designed to introduce students to the foundations of marketing. This course will provide you with insight into the way in which customer wants and needs are transformed into a firm’s strategies and tactics. This course will consist of class lectures, textbook, discussions, guest speakers, films, articles, and cases all designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of marketing. The purposes of this course are:
1. To understand what the marketing is and how the contemporary marketing system has been evolved.
2. To expand your understanding of the marketing system and basic marketing terms, tools and concepts.
3. To heighten your understanding of consumer behavior.
4. To develop your understanding of basic marketing activities and ways that marketing relates to other business activities.
5. To sharpen your analysis of business strategy and tactics from a marketing person’s perspective.
6. To provide you with a framework for developing marketing strategy and a working understanding of tools and tactics useful in implementing marketing strategy.

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