
★Checking Grade/Divided tuition★
등록일 |2018-06-22 12:09:02 조회수| 631

★Check your grade

-checking period:June 27th ~ 29th

-If you have question about your grade, please contact with your professor via e-mail


★Apply divded tuition

-application period: August 6th ~ 17th

★If you want to pay your tuition at once(full tuition)

-August 27th ~ 31st (with your invoice paper_student should have to print out like last time)



- primary enrollment period: July 24th~27th

(During this time, if the number of students taking the course is not exceeded, it will be automatically applied.
But, you still have to check and apply again during the real enrollment.)

-(real) enrollment period: August 6th ~ 10th

이전글 | 취업연계형 인턴 일정 안내
다음글 | [2017-후기 졸업유보 신청 안내]