

[Notice, 2019-2 student's tuition fee payment period (& Print out the tutition fee bill) ]
Date |2019-08-05 10:35:32 Views| 190



[Notice, 2019-2 student's tuition fee payment period (& Print out the tutition fee bill) ]




Period of print out the tuition fee bill : 2019.08(August).13(Tuesday) 13:00 ~




- Period of payment -


The first period: 2019.08.26(Mon) ~ 08.30(Fri)


The second period: 2019.09.09(Mon) ~ 09.13(Fri)


The third period: 2019.09.23(Mon) ~ 09.27(Fri)



- Period of apply the devide payment -


2019.08.01(Fri) ~ 08.30(Fri, Until PM3:00)



- Period of print out the Divide tuition fee bill -


The first period: 2019.09.09(Mon)


The second period: 2019.10.07(Mon)


The thid period: 2019.11.04(Mon)





- Period of Divide payment -


The first period: 2019.09.09(Mon) ~ 09.20(Fri)


The second period: 2019.10.07(Mon) ~ 10.18(Fri)


The thid period: 2019.11.04(Mon) ~ 11.16(Fri)




* You can print out tuition bill at Gachon Hall 2nd floor.

GBA office can not print out student's tuition bill.




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