

[Notice, 2019-2 GBA foreign class registration (in the office) ]
Date |2019-08-13 11:14:02 Views| 167


- Registration of 2019-2 foreign class(Only) -



If you miss the GBA foreign class(영어강의)(외국인반), you can registration in the office.



So, check the foreign class list ( Not just using English class (영어강의))



[ check the course, class time, professor]


교과목명 강의시간 학수번호 담당교수
International Business Management 국제경영 WedC, FriC 02926003 한주희
Management Science 경영과학 Wed34, Thur34 61001002 이용주
International Finance 국제재무관리 Mon78, Tue78 61002002 이재람
Digital Marketing 디지털마케팅 MonA, WedA 12933001 이승윤
Venture Management 벤처경영 MonC, ThurC 10690002 이호승
Human Resource Administration 인적자원관리 TueB, ThurB 10697008 조성준
Financial Management 재무관리 MonD, WedD 07792004 전성주
Programming language and practices 프로그래밍언어및실습 FriCD 13069003 남호헌
Principles of Accounting 회계원리 TueA, WedA 00476011 송보미
Business Statistics 경영통계학 MonB, WedB 02875003 이승윤



then, you have to send a mail about registration into the GBA office.



with) Student number, Student name, Student phone number,

 Course number, Course name



The registration period is until 08(August).22(Thur)



Each class on a first-come-first-served basis.



So, please send a mail into the GBA office very quickly.






GBA office:


If you have any question, Please visit or call to the office





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