

2020-2nd Sem Course Grades Announcement and Revision Period
Date |2020-11-26 15:01:10 Views| 192


This is an announcement for the period that


2020-2nd Sem grades will be released.



Announcement of Grades:


-> 12 Week Semester Classes: 2020.11.25 – 2020.11.27


-> Regular Semester Classes: 2020.12.23 -2020.12.28



How to Confirm your Grades:


University Homepage Login:

홈페이지 (로그인) -> 학사행정 -> 학부학사 -> 성적관리 -> 성적조회 -> 공시성적조회




-> You need to fill in a class satisfaction survey before you

     can check your grades.


-> The class satisfaction survey period: 2020.11.16 – 2020.12.28


-> If you have any objections to the grades you receive, make

    sure to ask your respective professor(s) during the course

    grades revision period.





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