

21-1 Abandonment of classes
Date |2021-03-23 09:33:01 Views| 155

Notification of abandonment of classes


1. Period: 2021.03.23(Tue) 09:00 ~ 03.29(Mon) 24:00


2. Process: Hompage loggin -> 학사행정(Student administration system) -> 수업관리(Class management) -> 수강신청 포기(Abandonment of classes) -> With the qusetion tab of '포기신청을 하시겠습니까?(Do you want to abandon this class?)', click 예(Y) -> Check the result


3. Caution

 - The class that you abandon will be written as abandonment(W) in the chart of grades and it is not included in your average grade.

 - Maximum 2 classes can be abandoned

 - If you abandon the class which you reregistered for, the grade that you got before would be restored.

 - If you abandon the class, abandonment credits are excluded from credits transferred in next semester

 - Students who are in an extra semester cannot get a refund when you abandon the class

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